3 stars. A waste. I’ll never get this time back
This film uses the joining of two families over Christmas to rerun the Meet the Parents theme, while showcasing Indian celebrations of the holiday.
Ultimately dry and lifeless, this effort is not worth your time. I felt uncomfortable for our leads for having such annoying families who spoke in long, robotic and way-too-complete complete sentences.
One bright side, our leads. They could have carried the movie alone, had they not been busy playing caricatures of “regular white guy” and “modern Indian woman.”
Change the channel on the Singhs.
Measuring Christmas magic: no magic, but good representation of Indian culture.
Cast Kudos: I’d like to see Anuja Joshi (Asha) given another lead role, but with less responsibility than representing the entirety of her culture.
Alternative titles: Christmas engagement clash; Blending Culture Christmas